The development status of PROFINET enables rapid and cost-effective implementation in applications. The prerequisite for this is an extensive product range from numerous manufacturers. To make implementation as simple and efficient as possible for all companies, several companies provide corresponding development environments/kits. The aim of the workshop is to provide information on the ways in which PROFINET products can be developed and to demonstrate implementation options. To this end, some of the leading technology houses will present their development support options.
- 08:30 Come together
- 08:45 – 17:30 Lectures & Micro-Fair
- approx. 17:30 End of the event
Venue: Pullmann Fontana Stuttgart
Main topics
- PROFINET in the system environment
- Implementation options
- Device model
- Diagnostic concept
- Representation of the system topology
- Fast StartUp
- iPar server
- Device replacement without engineering system
- Real Time (RT) and Isochronous Real Time (IRT) concept
- GSD creation (static parameterization)
- TCI (Tool Calling Interface) for dynamic parameterization
- Certification
- Tips and tricks
- PROFIenergy the energy saving concept
- PROFIdrive drive profile