Smart girls test MINT
Girls’ Day is a firmly established event with more than 10,000 events and over 100,000 participants nationwide. Since the beginning of the second millennium, girls from the 5th grade onwards have been motivated to try out technical and scientific professions.
Yesterday, MESCO was also visited by young ladies who were interested in what they were doing. What exactly do you do in an IT department? Data must be stored safely, of course! … but how do you protect a server anyway? Our IT had the right answers.
Electronics use electricity. No question about it! But how do you control it? How can you influence whether and when it flows? The girls got information, including exciting insights into circuit technology, in our electronics lab. The soldering exercises on real hardware were very interesting.
Our visitors had great fun and learned a lot. Above all, they learned that STEM is not just a man’s job!